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Este es el blog de la web oficial de arkinet, una nueva plataforma global para la comunidad de arquitectura que integra red profesional, contenidos y servicios online. ¡Estamos ansiosos de lanzar la web en los próximos meses!

Dado a retrasos de programación de la web, hemos decidido arrancar provisionalmente  la difusión de contenido a través de este blog. En cuanto esté a punto de lanzar, ¡sereis los primeros en saberlo!


Qué es arkinet?

arkinet es una plataforma “glocal” para la comunidad de arquitectura—desde profesionales y profesores hasta estudiantes y forofos de la arquitectura. Por primera vez, puedes conectar y compartir utilizando herramientas familiares de red a la vez de informarte sobre las últimas noticias en forma de entrevistas, artículos y vídeos dentro de un mismo interfaz.

A diferencia de otros redes profesionales, este tiene el “look and feel” de revista online de diseño pero funciona como una plataforma abierta en la que los usuarios pueden participar. Arquitectos pueden crear su portfolio con nuestro esquema de presentación hasta editar e imprimir su propio libro digital. Además de hacer contactos y compartir posts, imagenes, proyectos y videos, usuarios registrados pueden participar en la creación de contenidos. Un interfaz rico en utilidades, atractivo y fácil de navegar que ofrece a arquitectos un espacio común y multifuncional que une networking, contenidos y servicios en una plataforma fresca y accesible.

Arquitectos, síguenos la pista.

Para más info envíame un email o un  dm via twitter @arkinet


This is the working blog for the official arkinet website, a new global platform for the architecture community. We are excited to announce our launch within the following months.

Due to delays in programming of the website, we’ve decided to go ahead and start posting content provisionally through this blog. As soon as is ready for launch, you’ll be the first to know!

home_magazine2What is arkinet?

arkinet is a “glocal” platform for the architecture community—for professionals and academics to students and lovers of architecture. For the first time, you can connect and share using familiar networking features while keeping up with the latest news in the form of interviews, in-depth articles and videos, all in one single interface.
Unlike most professional networks, this one looks and feels like an online design magazine but also functions as an open-source platform where users can participate. Architects can create their own online portfolio with our unique layout scheme or create and order their own edit-yourself, print-on-demand digital publication. In addition to making new connections and sharing posts, images, projects and videos, registered users can also participate in creating the website’s content. A rich, attractive and user-friendly interface that features a wide-range of actions and tools provides architects with a multifunctional space and the possibility of concentrating networking, content and services into one slick and friendly platform.

Architects, stay tuned.

For more info shoot me an email or dm me on twitter @arkinet

6 Comments leave one →
  1. September 25, 2009 11:46 pm

    estamos a la expectativa…

  2. Xavi Olivella permalink
    September 29, 2009 11:13 am

    Moltes felicitats!
    Content d’estrenar-me amb aquesta nova eïna

  3. October 19, 2009 6:48 pm

    Es una auténtica expectación el lanzamiento. Ya le he hablada a tantos compañeros que están ansiosos de ver como es Arkinet. Supongo que será mejor de como lo explico…

  4. February 22, 2010 10:48 pm

    How can cross link our blogs?

  5. Sascha Paukner permalink
    March 4, 2010 1:45 pm

    Hi there,

    this sounds all so very exciting! When will Arkinet be going live?

  6. August 9, 2010 1:48 pm

    Architectural Association – Berlin Laboratory International Workshop
    Friday 3–Sunday 12 September 2010

    Post-wall Berlin has emerged as a major player in contemporary cultural production. As a laboratory of lifestyles and modes of production, it attracts an influential community of highly creative people from around the globe. The AA Berlin Laboratory explores the role of experimentation, harvesting this exceptional energy. This intense workshop organised by the Architectural Association School of Architecture explores tools and systems of experimentation, focusing on the idea of dwelling.

    No other city has been as enthusiastic as Berlin in experimenting with modes of living. From mass housing to highly individualistic visions of living and extreme communal regimes, Berlin has long pushed the boundaries of what it means to live together. New organisational forms of dwelling, combined with alternative implementation methods, are currently challenging the roles of both architect and local authority in the process of delivering dwellings for the city.

    During this intense workshop participants will work both in the laboratory/studio and the field/city, revisiting existing experiments in dwelling and the social ideals that shape them. In search of new logics of living, students will use emerging computational and rule-based design systems to develop prototypical forms of dwelling relevant to the city of Berlin. The workshop will be led by AA and Berlin-based tutors and hosted by Aedes Network Campus Berlin (ANCB). In addition, a public programme of visits, lectures and seminars with speakers from different disciplines will provide a stage for debate.

    The laboratory is open to anyone interested in experimental design in the context of this vibrant city. Places still available.

    Programme Directors: Marianne Mueller & Olaf Kneer

    Contact: Programme Coordinator Sandra Sanna

    T: +44 20 7887 4014

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